28th CHIME Conference
Digital Futures for Chinese Music
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
4-8 July 2025
Thank you for you interest in this Conference. This Call for Papers is now closed.
CHIME – European Foundation for Chinese Music Research
Annual Conference, 4–8 July 2025
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Digital Futures for Chinese Music
Keynote Speaker: Yu Hui, Changjiang Distinguished Professor, Yunnan University
Call for Papers
In this conference we focus on the various ways new media (digital media especially) provide spaces for preserving, creating, playing, sharing, teaching, or discussing music, and the ways these spaces are impacting what musicians, culture bearers, and others do in the musical part of their lives. Prospective participants are encouraged to submit proposals that resonate with this theme. However, presentations of any new research in the broad area of Chinese music studies are also welcome, whether these engage with the theme or not.
New digital media provide for “repackaging” of traditions, access to distant events, gestures of sharing and commemoration, and spaces (and toolkits) for new creation, online learning, critical commentary, or playful remixing. We might study these situations in several ways:
as platforms and tools for new kinds of musical creation, curation, and participation
as spaces for new formats of presentation, repatriation, and commemoration
as settings where performance facets like musical expression, liveness, or authenticity are open to striking reformulations
as a source of musical materials, influences, threats, or inspirations
as contexts that raise expanded economic and reputational possibilities as well as ethical or legal concerns
We welcome proposals that address one or more of these questions, or which pose other questions related to the digital futures for Chinese music, as well as those relating to new research more broadly.
Please note that this is an in-person conference.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 15 JANUARY 2025. Successful applicants will be notified c. 1 February 2025. A registration website will be available c. 15 January 2025. Attendees who need letters of invitation for visa or funding purposes are encouraged to register as early as possible to allow the necessary time for those arrangements.
Proposals are invited for:
Solo Papers (20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions)
Panels (3 or 4 linked papers around a theme, totalling 1.5 or 2 hours)
Roundtables (3 or 4 shorter presentations, around 15 minutes each, followed by a chaired discussion, totalling 1.5 or 2 hours)
Performance-based presentations or workshops (with durations as above)
Films or other media presentations (with durations as above)
Collaborative or multidisciplinary presentations that include a group of researchers, practitioners, or other research participants (again with durations as above).
Abstracts for individual papers should be 250-300 words in length. For panels and roundtables, send an abstract for each paper/contribution together with an overall panel/roundtable description of c. 150 words. Submission of abstracts: https://www.chimemusic.net/28th-chime
All proposals will be peer reviewed.
Keynote speaker: YU Hui is a Changjiang Distinguished Professor of the Chinese Ministry of Education and Director of Center for Ethnomusicology at Yunnan University. An ethnomusicologist specializing in Chinese traditional music in the digital era and ethnic minority music in Yunnan, his recent publications include: The Oxford Handbook of Music in China and the Chinese Diaspora (Yu, Hui and Jonathan P.J. Stock. Oxford University Press, 2023) and Global Perspectives on Chinese Music in the Internet Age (Yu, Hui and Wild Stephen. eds., Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2019). He is currently chief editor of Asian Musicology.
Conference Organiser and contact for enquiries:
Dr. Lijuan Qian, lijuan.qian@ucc.ie
Dr. Alexander Khalil
Dr. Keyi Liu
Prof. Jonathan Stock
Thank you for your interest in the 28th CHIME Conference. The Call for Papers has now closed.
The program committee will meet in the coming weeks. We will send out acceptance notifications as soon as possible. We will also provide a registration link for presenters and listeners as well as guidance on visa applications and the necessary invitations. Thank you very much for your patience.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact either the Conference organizers (Qian Lijun, lijuan.qian@ucc.ie) or members of the CHIME Coordinating Committee (chime.music.info@gmail.com).