A tightly packed programme
Our upcoming meeting in Geneva triggered an even bigger response than last year's annual meeting in Aarhus, Denmark. Let's hope it will be equally inspiring and joyful!
We look forward to a splendid and tightly-packed conference with some 60 papers and panels, featuring prominent musicians as well as music scholars, music-educational specialists and general aficionados of Chinese music. We also expect to greet several prominent composers of new music currently active in China or abroad, including Lam Bun-ching, Wang Ying, Robert Zollitsch (Lao Luo) and others. Rural and classical Chinese traditions will also be represented in this meeting, from rowdy music for village weddings and funerals to high-brow refined southern balladry and solo music for zithers and lutes.
The conference is partly intended as an overall assessment of the current state of affairs in Chinese music, and it will address the entire spectrum of music in (or of) China, from rural traditional to conservatory styles, from avant-garde to pop and rock, from ethnic to import traditions. For more on the conference theme, see further down below.
Participants will be treated to a welcome reception, a conference dinner and, if we can manage, an afternoon excursion to the Confucius Institute, beautifully located on the shores of Lake Geneva, with a view of the distant Mont Blanc.
The meeting starts on Wednesday 21 October in the afternoon with registration, a reception and some brief presentations. The conference ends on Sunday 25 October at 12.00 h (noon).
We expect to schedule a number of concerts, including:
- nanyin (classical southern balladry) with Cai Yayi and her ensemble from Quanzhou
- rural ritual sounds with exhilerating shawm band Yi Jia Ren from Hebei
- qin and other classical solo music with Tse Chun Yan (Hong Kong), Dai Xiaolian (Shanghai), pipa player Yu Lingling (Geneva) and other fine performers
...and more!
The full programme can be found here. Do join us in Geneva for a splendid event!
Please visit our special website for on-line registration: www.chime2015.org
Early registration is important, particularly for any participants who depend on visas to enter Switzerland. The envisaged deadline for pre-registration is 20 September.
For all information concerning registration, you may also contact Ms. Rhaissa Cerqueira at the conference office in Geneva via chime2015.hem@hesge.ch
The current website will also include regular updates on registration.
About this year's theme
Where has Chinese music gone over the past few decades? Where is it positioned today? Many artists are keen to explore new ways, new media, new platforms. Traditional music, too, is being promoted in new formats: intangible cultural heritage projects, internet archives, eco-cultural protection zones, ecomuseums, honorary life grants, special exhibitions, special concert tours and more. How are innovative spirits in China currently reshaping the country's music? Does the idea of 'going back to one's roots' have any continued relevance? What are the future perspectives for Chinese music, at home, abroad, in performative and in educational terms? In the upcoming CHIME meeting in Geneva in October 2015, we hope to tackle these questions together with some of the country's foremost contemporary composers, conservatory musicians, classical and folk musical performers: the meeting is a broad attempt to assess the current state of Chinese music. As always, we offer a platform for critical voices from many different backgrounds, from music scholars and anthropologists to music policy makers, media workers, and committed aficionados.
Book and CD display
As in previous years, we will organize a display corner in Geneva for books, CDs, DVDs and other recent publications in the realm of Chinese music. Bring your products if you would like to share them with colleagues! A new activity is a short session in which speakers can introduce their new books or AV materials in short pitches.
Free musicking
Participants are encouraged to bring Chinese instruments and to join jam sessions of silk and bamboo music and other genres, for which we will create ample space.
For further information you may also contact:
Prof. Xavier Bouvier,
Head of Studies
Haute école de musique de Genève, C.P. 5155, CH -1211 Geneva 11
Email: xavier.bouvier@hesge.ch
Tel. +4122 327.31.47
Frank Kouwenhoven,
CHIME Foundation, PO Box.11092,
2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands
Email: chime@wxs.nl
Tel. +31-71-5133123 or 5133794,
Mobile: 06-4029.3426
CHIME - European Foundation For Chinese Music Research
19th international CHIME meeting
福建泉州南音 (蔡雅艺及其合奏乐团)
激昂之声——农村仪式音乐表演 (河北民间音乐艺人组成的 “一家人”乐队)
琴与其他乐器的古典独奏音乐 (香港古琴演奏家 谢俊仁;上海古琴演奏家戴晓莲;琵琶演奏家俞玲玲及其他优秀演奏家)
注册专用网站现已开通,网址为www.chime2015.org 。请尽早注册,特别是针对需要签证入境瑞士的参会人员,注册截止日期预计为9月20日。如需了解注册相关的完整信息,您还可以通过电邮方式chime2015.hem@hesge.ch与日内瓦办事处的Rhaissa Cerqueira 女士联系。
Prof. Xavier Bouvier,
Head of Studies Haute école de musique de Genève, C.P. 5155, CH -1211 Geneva 11 Email: xavier.bouvier@hesge.ch Tel. +4122 327.31.47
CHIME website: www.chimemusic.nl
Frank Kouwenhoven,
CHIME Foundation, PO Box.11092, 2301 EB Leiden, The Netherlands Email: chime@wxs.nl Tel. +31-71-5133123 or 5133794, Mobile: 06-4029.3426

Haute école de musique de Genève, Switzerland
(image: white xan, www.xanwhite.com)
Video message by the organizer of the 2015 CHIME conference, Xavier Bouvier

Pipa player Yu Lingling (Geneva)

Qin player Tse Chun Yan from Hong Kong

Composer Wang Ying

A fine blend of old and new sounds by the ten-member band Yi Jia Ren from rural Hebei. Unusually, the group includes both male and female musicians.